The Fourth Day of Christmas, Pt. 2 (Lizzie)

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Partridge in a Pear Tree Cottage | 4th of December 

Elle checks the weather

I wonder what today’s weather will be like. 

“Help yourself to the TV or computer. I gotta scoot,” Cathy called from the kitchen. “I’m doing a lecture downstairs in the pub. You’re welcome to join.”

Lizzie settled on the backless couch. Why do people buy these things? They aren’t comfortable or practical. Where am I supposed to lean? Even so, she found the soothing teal color to be relaxing, reminding her of the beach in her home town. She could practically smell the sea-salt laden air, hear the cry of the gulls and the happy clamoring of children, and feel the warm, wet sand beneath her bare feet racing to the rocks to watch the seals lazing about beneath the warm Valverdan sun. Lizzie sighed. Life was simpler.

“I’d love to,” she replied, clicking on the weather channel. “Thanks for the invite, but I think I want to do some exploring today. I’ll catch the next one for sure.”

“Suit yourself,” Cathy waved.

blizzard comingThe Sims National Weather Service declared snowy and cold conditions for most of the day. Lizzie sighed, wishing it was warmer for walking about town. She decided she wouldn’t let the temperature ruin her plans. Glancing about Cathy’s living room, she smiled, enjoying the Christmas decoration – a hearty pine tree, decked in festive colored balls, ribbons, peppermint sticks, and golden snowflakes, a matching pine bough decking the mantle with a shiny gold jingle bell, red, green, and white paper stars dangling over window panes, and the soft glow of crème brule scented candles amidst sprigs of holly branches. A collection of Christmas cards sat atop the caramel colored trunk with bronze hinges.

“I guess Christmas is a few weeks away,” she mumbled to herself, feeling slightly depressed she wouldn’t be with family this year.

Her classes would start this evening, and extend through the Winter Holiday. Most students were on break for the month. Not me, she twisted her toe in the plum-colored area rug. That’s what I get for transferring halfway through the year. Feeling a little nosy, she flicked open a card, wondering about the nice things people wrote to Cathy. Most cards were from students, but she did notice one letter written in her cousin’s familiar handwriting. Lizzie smiled wistfully, figuring she should call her cousin and the kiddos. She tried to remind herself the end result of transferring schools would be worth it right as she heard the front door slam shut. Oh, I wonder what little present I could buy for my new host! 

“Cathy, is that you?” she called.

Jasper walks in

Jasper McCumber waltzed in, whistling a little Christmas tune.

While fields and flocks, rocks hills and plains 
Repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy… 

“Oh!” Lizzie gasped. “I wasn’t expecting to see you, Professor.”

“Hello Lizzie, did you settle in nicely?” Jasper inquired.

“I did, thank you,” Lizzie smiled. “I was just about to walk around town. Is it cold out?” She felt a little lazy just lounging on the couch.

lighting fire

“Oh yes, but nothing a young woman like yourself cannot handle,” Jasper remarked as he pulled a lighter from the mantle.

The young man on the television flashed a coy smile as he tried to convince viewers to purchase patio furniture. Lizzie covered her mouth and smothered a giggle. What a strange time of year to buy patio furniture! She thought she recognized the shirtless man with the frosted blonde curls posing before a umbrella-shaded table.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, switching her focus to the professor.

“Oh, I’m hosting a literary club,” Jasper replied.

“Here?” she squeaked and jumped up from the couch, wondering where everyone would sit.

“Yes, you’re welcome to join,” he replied. “Cathy always lets me use her living room.”

The thought of discussing books by the fire with a renowned writer and literary critic sounded tempting, but she didn’t want to intrude. She also had no idea what they had been reading or if she could even contribute.

“Oh no, I better get going,” Lizzie replied. “Thank you anyhow.”

Brent something… the infomercial king, she recalled.

Elle swingsAfter a day of exploring the town, Lizzie plopped down on one of the swings in the backyard, feeling whimsical. Swings always reminded her of a happy childhood, a time when she was more carefree and content with her life. Her feet kicked the array of autumn leaves at her feet as she pushed off the ground, glancing heavenward. Somehow the half-cloudy sky didn’t even cause her to despair. This is why I’m here, she sighed. To start a better life. 

squealingLizzie couldn’t help but squeal a bit as she whirled through the air on a squeaking swing set, her gloved hands gripping the golden chains as she pumped her legs back and forth. With each motion, she reminded herself she could do this. She could start over. The past was in the past, and everything could begin anew.

Streets of Hollidaysburg | 4th of December

Elle wanders through town

grilled cheeseLizzie ordered a grilled cheese and a pineapple-mango juice from a street vendor.

“Pleasant evening, isn’t it?” she said.

“Indeed,” the vendor replied.

“Aren’t you cold?” she inquired, glancing at his exposed arms.

“Naw,” he laughed and shook his head. “Hot blood runs in my family.”

Lizzie munched on her food as she traveled across the lake to the university via ferry. Once she arrived at the docks, she  headed up toward the university for her first evening of class – Introductory Poetry.

Elle sees GracieEvening class finished around six-thirty. Professor Claire Clutterbell released everyone early. Tonight was mostly an informal get-to-know one-another class, review of the syllabus and reading materials, and some introductory exercises. All the students were required to come up with a short haiku to describe themselves as a class exercise. It was strange as Lizzie didn’t like to be the center of attention, but with only five classmates, the course felt more like a workshop than a full class. She could do it, Lizzie swallowed hard thinking back to her nerves as she recalled the poem she penned.

Hear tawny owls call
Herald the evening moon rise
How long will you wait? 

When Professor Clutterbell asked her what she thought the words meant, Elle explained the haiku reflected her love of music, her creative nature, and her desire to make the world a better, happier place. The owl represented her aspiration for wisdom and knowledge, and the fact that she was more of a night person.

Now as she strolled along the street in the early evening, Lizzie found herself contemplating the last line. Was it gentle inspiration meant to question the things of life? Was it the fierce whisper of her spirit aching for change? Was it the instinctive urge to rise and act? She twisted her lower lip. Professor Clutterbell praised her introspection, and yet somehow it felt incomplete. She wondered if she would ever feel whole.

girl glowingA young girl approached, beaming from ear to ear. Pointed ears, as a matter of fact. Lizzie half-smiled, wondering what the child wanted. She appeared to be glowing, an aura of pure white joy, something angelic and innocent like children should be. Her jingle bell attached to her cap jangled as she bobbed her head.

“How now brown cow!” the girl lifted her hand in greeting.

Lizzie frowned. Hey I’m not a cow! she protested internally. Is she calling me a cow? And a brown cow at thatWhy would she call me that? Wait… cow… oh… I need to pick up some milk at the store. Cathy seemed to be out and I’d like some with my cereal tomorrow. In fact, I should pick up a few things. 

The girl seemed to wait endlessly, the earnest smile on her face never faltering. Lizzie relaxed into a bemused sigh and said the first words that came to mind.

Elocution lesson “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

The girl’s smile grew even wider, if that was possible. “Oh, thank you. We are learning about elocution in school. E-lo-cu-tion is a big word, don’t you think?”

And to think… I suspected she intended meanness, Lizzie shook her head.

“Hi, I’m Lizzie, what’s your name?”

“Gracie Goode. It’s alit…alit…alliteration,” she stumbled over the word. “See? That’s a big word too.”

“Yes, it is,” Lizzie smirked. “Do you make a habit of talking to strangers about alliteration and elocution?”

For the first time, the little angel frowned. “Mom wants me to be more careful about who I talk to. She’s says not everyone is good in the world like we are, but you just seemed like a good person. Are you good, Lizzie?” she wiggled her fingers.

Gracie inquires about good Lizzie fumbled for words. Am I good? Don’t we all wonder that? 

“I’m literally good,” Gracie giggled. “I mean… my last name is Goode, spelled with an ‘e.’ What’s your last name?”

“Well, that’s fun,” Lizzie remarked. “My last name is Greene.”

“That’s funny,” Gracie replied. “You’re wearing green.”

“And you’re wearing white,” Lizzie observed. “Are you sure your last name isn’t White?”

“No, silly,” Gracie laughed. “It’s Goode. Well, see ya around, Lizzie.”

Author Notes: This story is getting to be quite long. It’s harder and harder to capture everything in game and meet the required number of Sims in one chapter. Some of it may also be this segment follows my Sim and so I’m getting a bit lost in that. 😉 I’m naturally introspective. Haha. I’m also riding the flow of my creativity right now. Hope you don’t mind. 

CathyTea‘s Jasper appeared in the home of Cathy Tea for a Page Turners club meeting. Lizzie would’ve liked to join but she’s not a club member, at least not yet. 

Lizzie is a communications major. I plan to have her attend various communications/writing classes. If you would like your Sim to attend a class with Lizzie, let me know, and I’ll try to make it happen in game. 🙂 This first one is Introductory Poetry. Professor Claire Clutterbell is a reference to an actual Sim from The Sims: Bustin’ Out. She is an expert in poetry, and once the poet laureate to the Leader of the Free World (a.k.a. the President of the Sim Nation). 

divanthesimmer‘s Gracie was highlighted, but I liked the image enough that I added it into the story. She approached Lizzie and said something in Simlish that almost sounded like “How now brown cow” which sparked this whole conversation. 

Updated for Continuity: 12/07/2020 (some content is slightly different)

12 thoughts on “The Fourth Day of Christmas, Pt. 2 (Lizzie)

    simscognito said:
    March 1, 2019 at 3:40 am

    Wow. Those screenshots were breathtaking. Captured Christmas so well.

    Liked by 1 person

    soulgal7 said:
    January 26, 2019 at 9:31 pm

    The encounter between Gracie and Elle is quite funny. Gracie is quite precocious and intelligent. Now, from reading some of what Elle is thinking, there is more to Elle here than this story is saying. Something must have happened that she is starting over again in a new town and transferring halfway through the semester. She has a mysterious background which I am sure will be revealed in time.

    Liked by 2 people

    cathytea said:
    January 26, 2019 at 9:49 am

    I love this ! The cool thing about structure is that it allows us to consider when we diverge from it and how we work with it to say what wants to be said! So I quite enjoy this twisting and more leisurely approach , and it’s wonderful to have a character rise up to be the focal character , which Elle seems to be doing !

    Liked by 1 person

      livinasimminlife responded:
      January 26, 2019 at 12:19 pm

      I did enjoy diverging, following what happens in game. I just didn’t want people to think my character was dominating. Thank you for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

        cathytea said:
        January 26, 2019 at 3:41 pm

        I hope she does dominate! She makes a great lens through which to see the story, and she allows you to explore some of those themes that are so rich and ripe for you! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    divanthesimmer said:
    January 26, 2019 at 3:23 am

    Funny story: if you google my name, a definition comes up saying that it’s a backless couch that can be used as a bed! I’ve never heard of that word before and I’m not even sure how to pronounce it (the name Divan (pronounced Dee-Vun) is a common name in my country, though), but the first time I read it, I had a laugh thinking that I’m a backless couch that can be used as a bed! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

      cathytea said:
      January 26, 2019 at 9:52 am

      The word divan is quite common with the generation older than mine in the region where I grew up! When I first saw your forum name, I thought you chose it because you sat on a divan when playing The Sims!

      Liked by 2 people

        livinasimminlife responded:
        January 26, 2019 at 12:18 pm

        Haha. And to think I had a mostly “backless couch” in this chapter that Elle pointed out.

        Liked by 2 people

    divanthesimmer said:
    January 26, 2019 at 1:02 am

    Fun little chapter! I liked the literary aspect of it and Gracie is just adorable! I loved the conversation between her and Elle. Say, is that Caleb Vatore who is the vendor? Could my Simself be in a writing class, too? I was thinking since he’s considering developing a video game, he could join a writing class for plot purposes. Could Page be in the Page Turners club, too? She’s practically named for it! Sorry for the many questions! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

      livinasimminlife responded:
      January 26, 2019 at 12:21 pm

      Thank you. Definitely I’ll add Divan to Elle’s class. Did you want an introductory haiku too? No, it’s not Caleb, but someone with the same hairstyle. Thanks for reading. I can add Page to the Page Turners. CT is ironically too busy to be in Page Turners. No worries about the questions. I enjoy the interaction and I love it when my readers are engaged with the content.

      Liked by 1 person

        divanthesimmer said:
        January 27, 2019 at 2:34 am

        You can add a haiku for my Simself too – something that describes him as a “lone wolf” who likes playing video games and all things creative, like art, literature and music (if that makes sense!). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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