The Unluckiest of Luck Days, Pt. 2 (TND)

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I decided to send the family out for dinner. Part of my Luck Day traditions include drinking and playing darts, as well as sharing stories. But the most important tradition the Nobles observe is making a wish at the well.

Growing up, my paternal grandmother would tell me stories about her Irish heritage and culture – of fairies, leprechauns, gnomes, and other fantastical woodland creatures. I remember she would tell me to make a wish for a pot o’ gold and to follow rainbows. I thought this particular tradition would add some whimsy.

This beautiful lot is Tower Park by Jenba (in Maristella Plus save file or the Newlyn Hills save). Once again, I commend Jenba on the creativity. The clock tower. The bandstand. The ice cream parlor. When the Nobles arrived, the lot was already decorated for the holiday. I added the Whispering Well and tucked in back in a corner, but otherwise, made no changes to the lot. Kellie decided to go first.

Perhaps giving a coin to the wishing well is like paying alms. I figure it is a Jacoban tradition that has been secularized and mixed with folklore and mythology, possibly mixed with Magicka. Jacobanism is my Simworld version of Catholicism, but I cannot take credit for it since it exists in The Sims Medieval. I figure there’s a bit of mysticism and the aura of magic around the well, like a fortuneteller, and then the City Church gathers up the coins to give to charitable projects and community investments. Magicka is the religion/faith/spiritual practices of supernatural Sims like spellcasters and vampires (called pyres) in my world.

Like I already said, Kellie is of Bernish descent. I like to think both her parents are first-generation Sim Nation. Her grandparents live back in the Old Country. While she is not a fully practicing Jacoban, Kellie does honor her family’s religious and spiritual traditions. She dropped a simoleon, per Luck Day rituals. She’s a bit on the tight side financially right now. However, the wishing well is not particularly pleased.

Here comes Dad to save the day. He gave Kellie a bunch of simoleons to increase the chances of a positive outcome. Aww thanks Dad! He transferred the money via SimRealist’s Sims National Bank mod. I absolutely love this mod. The creators are very active, and it adds a depth to finances and realism to the world. I would highly recommend it. I would also recommend the companion mod by SimRealist – SNB Bills.

The Luck Day wish seemed to be okay with Kellie’s gift. I wished for skills. I figured whatever skill she gained would help inform what career I pick for her since she has yet to roll a want/whim for a job. But she is renting a modular home now (or casita as Cathy Tea called it, which I love) and she has a pup to think about so it’s high time to find employment.

Unfortunately, the well did not grant skills, but… it did give her a boost to her skills for the next hour. Then she rolled a whim to play chess (probably because of proximity to the park, but hey, I’ll roll with it) and she rolled a whim to visit the library and tell someone a story. I have a good idea of what job I want her to pursue now.

Quinn did not have good luck. With her materialistic, high maintenance, and jealous traits, I decided it didn’t make sense for her to give an offering. (Eek! She did not get a good combination of traits when I rolled randomly in CAS). She does have some positive traits too, I promise, since I have chingyu’s More Traits mod, which allows you to equip more traits to your Sim than the allotted three.

Quinn wished for romance. Yikes! It did not turn out well. No romantic encounters for you. And she gained these little black hearts above her head. The spirits or gods of Luck Day are not pleased.

The well spirits were really angry after Quinn. Kiera dropped in 1000 simoleons to be safe, but it did not seem like luck was on her side. Yikes! She wished for happiness… but an enormous black cloud emerged instead. I don’t think that’s a positive emotion…

Green shimmers of light rose from the well. Kiera was overcome with emotion – positive emotions – yes, but not the kind she wanted.

Now she is hysterical. She couldn’t stop laughing. Thank the Maker I have a mod that prevents emotional deaths. They are so inconvenient. I really didn’t want a death on Luck Day.

Finn is last. And does he have luck? Nope. He wished for a child. He’s been rolling wants for a child, and he has the Super Parent aspiration. I am not sure why I thought this was a good idea since he is an elder, but here goes…

A purple cloud of smoke interrupts his wish. I had this sudden and awesome idea to make the “child” his grandchild instead. The other Noble sister, Finn’s oldest daughter did not come home for the family holiday. She lives in Fairbridge Falls (Jenba-sims/silrosse’s version of Forgotten Hollow) and her love interest is a vampyre, a descendant of a Kr’v, an ancient vampiric alien race. Like spellcasters can use portals to travel rapidly from one destination to another, I have decided that vampyres can use dark places like abandoned or corrupted wishing wells to suddenly transport. Making up stuff as I go here… haha. (If you really care or want to learn more, you can click on the linked text to find more about the lore).

Poor man! He is suffering from pain in his leg. I like to think he kicked the well in frustration. A little fiery Bernish temper. Oof! This really is the unluckiest of luck days.

The well granted his “wish” in the form of an evil child. I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten an evil child, but this also inspired my sudden idea for vampire gameplay. I’ve rarely, if ever, played with evil sims, and definitely not evil children. This save is all about trying out gameplay I have never explored before. It should be interesting. I did pop into CAS quickly to give her a makeover. Her name is Fiona and her traits are hot-headed, evil, and genius (several family members have the genius trait). I have a feeling that her mom often “shoves” off her child on her parents and sisters, without any warning.

“Fiona! How did you… wait… did your dad and ma send you?” Finn rubbed his forehead. “They have got to stop doing these surprise visits.”

“You don’t want me?” Fiona screamed. “GAH!!” she stomped on his foot.

“Fiona, oww!” Finn yelped. “Calm down, sweetheart.”

“I don’t wanna be here! I wanna go home. I hate you!” Fiona screeched.

“Haha! Yours is worse than mine,” Quinn smirked, walking away looking way too pleased with herself, as a woman cursed in her love life.

“Your face is ugly!” Fiona glared at her grandfather.

There goes my hope for a quiet family celebratory dinner! And no more wishes!

Quick Notes: I decided on the “regions” or locations of Jenba-sims’ worlds to distinguish from the base game Sims worlds and other worlds in save files I use.

  • Maristella is on the northeastern coastline of the Sim Nation state of Costaverde (inspired by Arizona).
  • Newlyn Hills is in the west-central part of Costaverde.
  • Orchid City (where Quinn lives) is located in the state of Mesaverde (inspired by New Mexico).
  • Fairbridge Falls is a Hollow in west-central Mesaverde in the Iron Mountains (which takes inspiration from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in New Mexico. The phrase translates to ‘Blood of Christ’ Mountains, which I figure is a good inspiration for a vampire region).

The Unluckiest of Luck Days, Pt. 1 (TND)

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Luck Day officially arrived. Kiera awakened first. She audibly groaned as she slipped out of bed. Something about a bad back and a poor mattress. Possibly time to upgrade.

Kellie wandered down next. Her mother was busily decorating a plate of doughnuts. (I realize from this angle, at first glass, it appears as though the vase is at the end of the icing bag. Haha.)

“Something smells amazing,” Kellie exclaimed.

“Oh good,” Kiera murmured. “Help yourself to some coffee.”

“Did you hear that?” Kellie asked (and looked right at the camera in the freaky way Sims sometimes do. Don’t mind me, Kels. I am just narrating).

“Hear what?” Kiera asked, without looking up.

Mother and daughter sat on the kitchen barstools. They enjoyed a cup of coffee and a cozy conversation. Kellie complained about her job. (What job? I have yet to give you one. Okay, fixing that today). Kiera boasted about a recent promotion. (Not the best comeback to the unemployed). They discussed the spring weather, shared the spirit of Luck Day, and worried about the effects of aging (well, mostly Kiera).

By this point, Quinn and her dad, Finn (I am still baffled at how I did not catch this rhyme thing the first time) joined the family. Quinn had prepared a spring fruits tray the night before (a custom food dish by icemunmun). The donuts somehow lost their icing??!?? Kiera was concerned. I would be too.

The spring fruit board comes with strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit, cherries, pineapple, and apricots and includes three dipping sauces – honey, chocolate, and vanilla sauce. Kellie appeared to like the berries and cherries the most. Kiera liked the kiwi. Quinn just gobbled up her food.

And per usual Sim shenanigans, they switched up seats. Oh now the sprinkles are back. Huh? Finn complained about old age, aches and pains. He had unfortunately awakened with a headache. I directed him to take medicine. It didn’t seem to work. I had him place a health call and purchase more medicine. Now he’s overly medicated and in danger of overdosing. Eek! Kellie encouraged her dad to take better care of himself. Finn didn’t appreciate the pep talk.

Quinn seemed to be cross-eyed after finishing her food. Maybe you ate too fast, girl. Or the cherry, grapefruit, or pineapple was particularly tart. I love these custom flower plates (from the icemunmun mod). So cute and perfect for the first (custom) holiday of spring.

Kiera shared her frustrations. With what? I’m not sure. I didn’t quite catch this conversation. She did roll a want to do something romantic, and then wanted to share her “passion for romance.” I can’t remember if that is a mod or natural gameplay. Either way, I canceled it out because it didn’t seem like appropriate family breakfast table conversation. That doughnut looks good though.

Like they discussed yesterday, Kellie decided to help her mom in the garden. They both changed out of pajamas. Kellie walked over to plant pretty red snapdragons. The flower is perfect for cool seasons, and they are a hardy plant. Today is a bit windy. Did you know red snapdragons symbolize passion and positive energy? I thought that was perfect for Kellie’s romantic trait. I wish the positive energy had lasted the rest of the day, but… I’m getting ahead of myself.

Keira planted a crocus and a lily in the little pots near the back porch. Crocus flowers often bloom in early spring. They symbolize self-love. This is always a good thing to practice. Lilies represent purity and rebirth.

My maternal grandmother worked for a florist before I was born, one of her many jobs. I remember how she used to make flower arrangements frequently to celebrate the seasons. There is something lovely about piecing together flowers and leaves and shoots and ribbons. I got really into the meaning of flowers at one point.

As Easter approaches, I remember the year I made the ‘perfect’ gift for my grandma. My grandpa carved a wooden plant box/vase for me. I collected pinecones in their yard (they lived in the foothills) and hot-glued each one to the vase. I picked my grandma’s favorite flower – calla lilies (which the ancient Greeks believed to represent magnificent beauty). Then I wrapped a crooked yellow ribbon around the entire thing. I was probably about eight years old. I have fond memories of finding all the ingredients and working with my grandpa to design it. Maybe I’ll have Kellie try the floral arrangement skill sometime.

Kellie gave her newly planted snapdragons a little TLC – some water and fertilizer (a pet poop from Butterscotch). Girl, where were you hiding that? Haha. I didn’t realize it was in her inventory. Seems like a stinky thing to bring with you on vacation.

Johnny called to hang out. Aww. He’s hosting a Luck Day party. Well, sorry, some other time. We’re in Newlyn Hills. Kellie will try to hang out with him when she returns. This is his second invitation he’s sent us.

There is a delightful family room/game room on the second story of their home. I added the beautiful custom shamrock rug and the gnome painting (cc by simdertalia), changed some of the shades of items to green for the “luck” holiday, and added these stunning green curtains. I’m not sure I’ve ever used this particular shade or these curtains in a home, but I love the little gold specks. So fitting for a St. Patrick’s Day-esque holiday. The Noble family decided to gather for a fun game of Don’t Wake the Llama.

Kellie lost badly. The entire tower collapsed. Finn started complaining about his headache again. He was leaning so far forward, I reckon the tower collapsed and hit him in the forehead. Kellie winced.

“Freezer bunnies!” she cursed. “I was so close.”

“Better luck next time,” Quinn teased.

Decorating for Spring (TND)

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After stopping for coffee, the girls headed to their childhood home. Their father, Finnigan (or Finn as he prefers) is a general practitioner in the medical field. Their mother, Kiera is a restaurant critic. The home is a beautiful creation in Jenba’s Newlyn Hills (Maristella Plus save file). I made a few minor changes inside, changed a few colors, and added a few St. Patrick’s Day… excuse me… Luck Day decorations. The parent Sim credits are included at the end of this post.

This little cutie is from the St. Patrick’s Day set by simdertalia. You can download via Sims File Share (SFS) no ads. He is a recreation of Roy G. Biv from the Sims Mobile. I thought this happy leprechaun is a great addition.

I also have a board dedicated to St. Patrick’s Day/Celtic/Irish cc over on Pinterest (CAUTION: It does include images of awesome Celtic tattoos. All Sims are clothed, but these could be considered borderline NSFW because a lot of skin is showing to properly showcase the tats). I was surprised there is not much cc out there (or at least that I could find) for this theme.

Kellie and her mother, Kiera hugged immediately. Actually, they kept hugging. Haha. I think it was a glitch. I clicked out of the endless hugs and redirected them. Quinn and her dad both rolled a want to “cloudgaze,” which I thought was super cute. Then I couldn’t find the interaction in the menu. I wonder if it was too late in the day or if my clouds mod interrupted it or blocked it somehow. :/

“How’s my favorite second-oldest daughter?” Finn asked with a teasing grin. (Opps… I made an unintentional rhyme… haha!)

“Dad!” Quinn rolled her eyes. “I’m your only second-oldest daughter.”

“Exactly,” Finn smirked.

Kellie changed into more suitable attire to help her mom with the outside decorations. Aren’t they the sweetest here? Mom and daughter sang a traditional song from the land of their ancestors. This is technically Luck Day Eve, if there is such a thing. Haha. It’s my holiday. I guess it can be whatever I want.

Peeps, I learned something new! I watched a YouTube series recently with a Let’s Play. I cannot believe I am just now discovering this. You can rummage for seasonal decor! Kellie started into the boxes and found a flower arrangement, a bunny, and a florist supplies box (completely free). I am saving these for later spring holidays.

Finn and Quinn (argh! Another rhyme. I swear, this was not on purpose). Dad and his second-oldest daughter headed inside to make supper. Quinn boiled a pot of mulled wine (an icemunmun custom food mod). I tried to find an appropriate festive drink. This seemed like the best option. Celebrating the end of winter with a warm spiced beverage.

Finn chopped asparagus for the lamb dish. This is another custom recipe from icemunmun – lamb with garden veggies. A great dish for early spring. Out with the winter cold and in with the spring breezes.

By dusk, Kellie and her mom, Kiera had completed decorating the home. What a beautiful display for the holiday! Green lights dotted the eaves and fences. Rainbow banners hung from the spandrels. Kellie and Kiera were proud of their efforts.

Of course, this takes seconds in game, but I like to think mother-daughter spent several hours decorating. I love the versatility of seasons gameplay, and the calendar feature. It really adds a depth to the Sims. It helps break up the monotony and gives me plenty to do with the Sims. I’ve added loads of custom holidays and events to Kellie’s calendar and I look forward to exploring this with you. Do you use decorations for different seasons in your own gameplay? Do you have a favorite décor piece?

The family gathered around the dinner table. Lively dialogue ensued. For some reason, Kellie wanted to complain about the dish. Maybe she likes her lamb a little less dry.

“Then dunk it in your wine,” Quinn joked.

Kellie elbowed her sister in the ribs.

“Kellie, be kind,” Kiera admonished.

“The veggies are good,” Kellie changed the subject, munching on the asparagus. “Did you grow them in your garden, Mom?”

“Not this year, it’s too early,” Kiera replied. “Though I’m thinking of planting snapdragons in the morning if you would like to help.”

“That sounds fun,” Kellie bobbed her head.

“Ick dirt!” Quinn grimaced. (She has the high maintenance trait).

“I made a rainbow gelatin cake for dessert,” Finn said. (Apparently, rainbow jello poke cake is a thing in real life too).

“Now we’re talking,” Quinn said, rubbing her hands together. (I don’t know… was she cold? I took it as excitement about dessert).

“Ooh, that’s perfect for the season,” Kellie exclaimed. “Did you use a yellow or white cake?”

“White,” Finn answered. “But I’m out of whipped cream.”

“Aww man!” Kellie reacted. (I think she has a sweet tooth).

“It’s better that way,” Quinn said. “You can really appreciate the flavors.”

And she really did appreciate the flavors more! For some reason, Finn(igan) and Quinn relocated to the end of the table. I think it’s because Kellie set the table and I didn’t clear the plates before dessert. Kellie and her mom cleaned up, but they both got slices too.

After supper, Quinn turned in early. She was exhausted from all the driving, even though Kellie shared some of the efforts. Kellie joined her parents in the living room and they enjoyed watching a cooking show.

“Do you do much cooking in your new place?” Kiera inquired.

“Not as much as I’d like,” Kellie replied. “We do share communal meals sometimes with produce from the garden.”

“That’s nice,” Finn nodded.

“I can send some recipes with you if you want,” Kiera offered. “Tell me what kind of produce you grow and I can make more specific recommendations. Have you found a job yet?”

“Kiera stop pestering the girl. I can’t hear the program!” Finn complained.

(He is an elder btw, and Kiera is on the cusp. I liked the idea of older parents. I dislike when elders all have grey or white hair only so I kept his adult hair color. I think he is quite dashing for an older Sim.)

Kellie went upstairs to crash in her old bedroom – shared with her sister, Quinn. They do have another sister, Jessie but she is not visiting currently. I love the bright orange, yellow, and blue theme in this bedroom. I didn’t get pictures at great angles. I did add a few decorative pieces but left the room relatively unchanged. P.S. Don’t worry about Butterscotch. Allan offered to watch the dog for the weekend. Kellie figured it would be too stressful for a new animal companion to be subjected to a car ride.

Credit for Finnigan goes to SakuraLeon. I changed his name to Finnigan Noble, to keep a bit of his original spirit. Also, I tweaked his outfits with some Irish-themed cc, added eyelashes, skin details, yada yada.

Thea is now Kiera. She had a hearing aid, which I thought was super cool for representation! But I removed it because it interfered with earrings I wanted to use. I might add it back later when she ages up to an elder. Credits go to Jadebabez86. Made my usual tweaks. I did keep her vitiligo skin, which is hard to tell right now, but you will probably see it better in future posts.

Difficult Siblings and Dashing Baristas (TND)

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It’s a beautiful day in Maristella. The sun is shining. Not a cloud in sight. Since St. Patrick’s Day passed recently IRL, I thought I’d add a similar-esque holiday to the Sims world. I have Irish heritage, and I created Kellie with that idea also. Tomorrow is the “Luck Day,” a custom holiday I added to the calendar. I made it to mimic a spring celebration inspired by St. Patrick’s Day with some fun traditions that I’ll reveal in my next post. I love Seasons gameplay and I don’t use it enough when I’m doing a story-driven game.

With Kellie’s Hibernian heritage (my Simworld version of Ireland), I figured this was a great holiday for her to visit home. Going forward, I plan to write a little more dialogue and story from here on out as it suits my whim. We will meet Kellie’s family, though one of them proves to be much more difficult than expected. Per usual, I took the gameplay and rolled with it, crafting reasons and stories in my head. I hope you enjoy!

Since Kellie doesn’t have “wheels,” her older sister, Quinn drove out from Orchid City (a.k.a. Del Sol Valley). Quinn is a high maintenance woman, and she drives a blue sports car. She complained about the heat of Maristella.

“It’s unbearably hot,” Quinn moaned, and rubbed the back of her neck.

“Whoa,” Kellie exclaimed. “Calm down.”

“How can you stand to live here?” Quinn grumbled.

“Could you lower your voice?” Kellie asked, nervously glancing about to see Nancy Landgraab, Johnny’s estranged mother strolling by in a white track suit.

The other woman gave them a curious stare before continuing on her way. Kellie awkwardly waved before turning her attention to her sister. Quinn was having a full on meltdown.

“I hate the sun, I hate it!” she screeched and kicked the tire.

“And you didn’t have to mow down my bushes,” Kellie sighed, ignoring her sister’s irrational reaction.

“Hey, it’s not my fault that you don’t have a proper driveway,” Quinn retorted.

“Oh llamas!” Kellie rolled her eyes. “And I suppose it’s not your fault that you hopped the curb. It was just in the way, right?”

“Curbs smurbs,” Quinn waved her arms like a crazy person.

“Stop it, you’re being ridiculous,” Kellie huffed and shrugged her shoulders. “You’re older than me. You should set a better example.”

“I’m being ridiculous?” Quinn exclaimed, puffing out her chest. “I live in civilization where we have reasonable temperatures when you step out of a vehicle. You’re the one who is ridiculous for moving to this death trap.”

“Oh shut up about the heat already.”

“I could smack you.”

“Oh just try!”

Quinn lifted her hand, fully intent on smacking her kid sister across the face. Kellie grabbed Quinn’s wrist and prevented the impact.

“See… just as I thought,” she declared triumphantly. (I’ve never seen this reaction or counterreaction to the ‘slap ’em silly’ interaction.)

“Stop it, I’m a twig,” Quinn whined. “Sorry for insulting where you live.”

“Yeah, I haven’t even invited you inside yet,” Kellie released her sister’s arm. “I’ll go get my bags… if you’re still gonna drive me.”

“Be quick. I don’t want to melt,” Quinn muttered.

After a few hours of driving and Quinn changing the station two dozen times because she wanted to try and catch “her song” on the radio… they finally arrived in Newlyn Hills. It had been several months since either one of the girls had visited their parents. Quinn immediately pointed out that the Golf and Country Club hadn’t changed much. She bragged about the wealthy boyfriends who took her for golfing dates. Kellie rolled her eyes in disgust, leaning an elbow against the car door and sighing out the window. The sisters were almost night and day different in their personalities and life choices. Quinn wrote commercial jingles in a music studio in the Valley, and spent her nights partying at clubs. Kellie, on the other hand, didn’t know her career trajectory, but she was much more content at home on the couch reading a book with Butterscotch at her feet most nights.

The one thing they shared in common was a love of caffeine. They stopped at their favorite coffee house, the Utopia Cafe, for a beverage and snacks. Both their parents were likely still at work. Their father was a general practitioner, running a busy medical clinic, and their mom was a restaurant reviewer, who often took trips into the city. The sisters figured they could kill some time before meeting up at their childhood home.

“Do you feel better?” Kellie asked, somewhat sarcastically.

Quinn had changed her entire outfit, flawlessly in the car, which was quite the feat, while Kellie drove for the last forty minutes. She was surprised that her sister trusted her behind the wheel of one of Quinn’s prize possessions. But Quinn insisted that she would cool off and calm down if she could wear different clothes. Kellie liked the ‘calming’ down idea.

“Shush!” Quinn closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Feel that?” her eyes popped open. “A breeze.”

“We have those in Maristella,” Kellie protested.

Another stunning and creative lot by Jenba/silrosse. Newlyn Hills is a world she has renovated and is included in the Maristella Plus save file. I love the indoor lighted tree, the use of bright colors, and the overall quirky vibe of this place. I would hang out here in real life for hours.

J. Huntington gets around. First, he was working at Blue Skies in Maristella and now he’s working in Newlyn Hills at Uptopia. Maybe he’s home for the weekend on a spring break kind-of thing and works at both places. Maybe he’s got massive student loans he’s trying to work off/pay off. Either way, Kellie orders a mint mocha. I added the “green,” or at least that’s what I imagine is the festive beverage for a Bernish weekend treat. She also introduced herself to him and swear it sounded something along the lines of “charmed.”

“Hey, I know you,” Kellie said, surprised. “Don’t you work at that other place?”

“Yeah, the owners are related so I can bounce between shops easily,” Jay explained. “I’m J. Huntington the Third by the way.”

She gave her name and then offered a coy smile. “Oh the Third, huh?” Kellie smirked. “Then… charmed…I’m sure.”

“Nah,” he said. “It’s not like that. I pour ristrettos for the rich.”

“Hey, it’s a big step up from flipping burgers,” she remarked.

“Yes, coffee adds class,” he nodded.

Kellie joined her sister on the couch.

“Why do you like this trash?” Quinn asked, flipping through a book.

“Hey, did you go through my bag?” Kellie replied, defensive.

“‘Reel Her In?’ Does it get any more corny than that?” Quinn teased.

“Can you not go through my bag?” Kellie groaned.

“Oh, but where’s the fun in that?” Quinn laughed. “You can go through mine… but all you’ll find is lip gloss, sheet music, and my emergency club outfit.”

“You’re impossible!” Kellie sipped on her mocha and reluctantly let the subject drop.

Kellie returned her mug to the counter like the conscientious person she is. J seemed to be in the mood to chat. And it was better than arguing with Quinn.

“How was your drink?”

“Delicious to the last drop.”

“Ah, that’s what we like to hear. So you’ll come here again?” (I could’ve sworn he winked).

Being the cheerful, flirty person she was, Kellie responded enthusiastically. “Yes, absolutely. Especially if there’s a dashing barista making these mochas for me.”

“Dashing, huh?” he lifted his hand and rubbed his impeccably smooth jawline.

“My only suggestion is half-price pastries after three,” Kellie added. “And I’d be tempted to buy more.”

“I’ll see what I can do for a lovely customer such as yourself,” J replied, flirtatiously. “What kind of pastry are you in the mood for?”

“Something to distract me from…” Kellie looked over her shoulder as Quinn cackled hysterically over something in the book she ‘stole.’ “…well, that. Siblings can be so difficult sometimes.”

“Yeah, I picked up on the vibe. She’s your sister then?” J surmised.

“Definitely related, though sometimes I wonder how,” Kellie shrugged her shoulders.

“I’ve got other customers, but… here…” J handed her a plate. “Can’t go wrong with a heart-shaped cookie. We make the jam fresh here on site.”

(Kellie seemed surprised. She had ordered the barista’s recommendation. J’s choice was an excellent indicator of his mood.

“Impressed?” he asked, cheekily.

“I’d be impressed if it’s half-price,” she replied, trying to play it cool for once.

“How about it’s on the house?” J said, returning to the espresso machine.

“Now I’m impressed,” she took a bite.

“And please come again soon, Miss Noble,” he added.

“I certainly will, Mister Huntington… the Third.”

CREDITS: Kellie’s sister, Quinn was created by hypeerchild. I made moderate modifications and changed her name.

Also Johnny called to invite Kellie over, but she’s out of town. I’m happy he reached out though. Maybe they can continue to be good friends. I do find it interesting that he mentioned “family,” as he is currently estranged from the Landgraabs. Maybe he means “found family” like people he considers to be like family. Or Nancy was super curious after witnessing the Noble sisters arguing earlier in the day, though I didn’t think Johnny was in touch. Or he has a “family” of his own and I didn’t realize it. And I have to fix that goofy hat of his. Ha!

The Confounding Nature of Compliments (TND)

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Maristella (a.k.a. Oasis Springs) is gorgeous. Look at that stunning sunset!

Kellie was practically glowing. She invited Johnny out for some fishing. I have no clue what he was wearing. The fishing hat works, even if it’s a bit goofy. His red hoodie works. But he was wearing loafers, no socks. Okay… Sim logic at its finest. He was in a foul mood. Kellie immediately tried to cheer him up.

I love that I’m playing the game and noticing new things. Like this pretty little waterfall and green bridge in the background. Of course, it’s not crossable by Sims, but it does make for a nice backdrop in the world. I decided to call this area Pathways Park in honor of this tidbit of trivia from the Sims game.

Kellie did her best impressions, jokes, and funny stories. Johnny was really struggling with his bad mood. He seemed uncomfortable. The rolled up sleeves might indicate he was overheating. I didn’t want to interrupt the friend hangout to change his attire/appearance. Also, he lost his custom eyelashes so that’s why I only have back and distance shots.

Johnny took time to “trash” another Sim. Specifically, his mom, I think, based on his thought bubble, which I hadn’t turned off yet. Not everything can be safe and sanitary and good in the Sims world. Drama adds to the realism. Either way, Kellie was shocked. She has a good relationship with her mom. I imagine, Johnny is frustrated with how his parents treated him when he chose not to go to university and picked a profession they believed was “beneath him.” Still, Johnny. Maybe lay off the forbidden words until you know Kellie a bit better.

Once they switched to fishing, his emotions calmed down. I love the little sparkles on the water. It’s a beautiful glowy gold in the late afternoon.

Johnny complimented Kellie’s appearance, and her smile, which is I’m sure what led to Kellie feeling stressed about fresh breath all the sudden (rolling a whim/want about brushing her teeth). I’m not sure you’ll be that close to him yet, sweetheart. I’m trying to follow as many whims as possible to stay true to her personality in game.

She had so many moodlets – happy from beautiful surroundings, stressed from Johnny’s negative mood, and flirty from his compliments. She tried complimenting his appearance too and asked if he was single. He liked the compliment, but disliked the question. Maybe he’s in a relationship. Oh Kellie. Smooth… real smooth. The loafers are killing me! *face-palm*

I’m not sure I’ve ever really explored this area. It’s very pretty. Butterscotch came running down to join them on the beach. He pawed at the ground a lot. No clue why. I wish we could hide the ugly “fishing spot” signs. They break the vibe. Also the odd sudden sharp angle changes to the different color sands and water are jarring…

Particularly noticeable here.

Aww pup! So precious! Posing with his eyes closed. What a cutie!

Kellie didn’t catch anything until the late evening. Butterscotch settled down on the sand, still warm from the sun, to take a nap. Wow! That is a huge purple fish! Proportions are weird in the Sims, amiright?

Look at that stunning three-quarter moon. And the Oasis Strip. That’s what I’m calling the “downtown” area of Maristella. I’m using Zero’s moon replacement mod because the base game is sorely lacking.

Kellie also caught a treasure box. Like that’s realistic? Haha! Nothing good inside. Some seeds and dirt, I think. At this point, they had been fishing for almost five hours. Johnny decided to go home. He seemed to be annoyed, but maybe that’s because he never seemed to catch anything. He did give her a hug before he left (and I didn’t get a screenshot because she immediately raced off to use the facilities).

Kellie ran into Brenna as she arrived home. She asked Brenna for advice about Johnny. I think she likes him, but his bad mood did make her question their growing friendship. Brenna was kind enough to stay outside and talk with Kellie until one in the morning. They barely scratched the surface when discussing friendships with guys, flirting, and compliments. Brenna did “talk up” Johnny. Perhaps they have crossed paths at the restaurant. Johnny did a few comedy acts at the place where Brenna works perhaps, and maybe he always over-tips the wait staff. Kellie also encouraged Brenna to talk about her feelings, particularly with her husband (since those two are having some issues).

Kellie came home and washed her dishes. That neat trait is kicking in. She had the option to polish to perfection, which she did. She was in a calmer mood since chatting with Brenna. I love how those two cheered each other up.

Once again, Kellie is matching her surroundings. She changed into this towel after her thoughtful shower. This is a mod by Zero that I feel adds realism to the game. Johnny called her the moment she was out of the shower to chat. Aww… you just saw him. She looks so pleased here, so the conversation must be good. Perhaps he called to apologize for his moodiness and shared that he had a good time hanging out.

Let’s stay hydrated. Kellie grabs a glass of water from the sink as she winds down for the evening. I’m slowly trying to add more decor to the house – the Dine Out flowers are on her shelf. I think purple is a nice complimenting color with the mint and soft yellow. The dog calendar already was on the wall, which is fitting now that she has a dog too.

Bringing Home Butterscotch (TND)

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Kellie rolled a want (I keep calling them whims) to adopt a dog. This little cutie showed up in the options. I loved the idea of cheerful Kellie adopting a golden retriever as they are commonly known as “happy” dogs.

Kellie attempted a friendly introduction. The pup was delighted to find a new home. Aww these two will be good friends. I just know it.

The dog’s name is Butterscotch. (I had a stuffed animal named Butterscotch when I was a kid and figured it is a fitting name for a golden). She came from a good family, but was surrendered after the couple relocated to a retirement community. And Rockview Village has plenty of space for the dog to run around and plenty of people around to keep her company. I love how these two match each other’s color vibe and the golden setting sun in Maristella.

Kellie purchased a feeder/dog bowl for Butterscotch. Blue and orange to match the colors in the home. I moved the trash bin under the sink.

While Butterscotch enjoyed kibble, Kellie fried up some grilled cheese. Sounds delicious!

Brenna stopped by for supper. I take it she is still upset about her argument with her husband this morning and didn’t want to head home just yet. She also grabbed herself a water from the outside cooler.

“This is delicious,” she complimented.

“Thanks. The secret is real butter,” Kellie admitted.

“Real gooey cheese too,” Brenna smiled.

“You doing okay?” Kellie asked, kindly inquiring about Brenna’s mood.

“Better now that I’m eating,” Brenna said. “There’s nothing like a good homecooked meal to brighten one’s day.”

“You’re welcome anytime,” Kellie replied. “Ross too.”

“I don’t know…” Brenna said. “We’re in a fight.”

“Uh oh,” Kellie said. “Wanna talk about it?”

“Not really,” Brenna said. “I’m sure we’ll work it out though.”

“That’s good,” Kellie replied. “My parents always go on walks when they need to talk through issues.”

“That’s a good idea,” Brenna’s eyes lit up. “And it gets us moving.”

Speaking of walks, Kellie headed out, taking Butterscotch for a stroll.

He barked at some moths.

This is a crazy glitch. The dog walked really far away from Kellie. I can’t believe the leash would extend this far. Butterscotch, come back!

Both dog and human friend settled in for the night. Butterscotch’s collar blends nicely with the color scheme.

Sweet doggy dreams!

In the morning, Kellie found an old sponge to clean the toilet.

Since their unit’s toilet was occupied, Butterscotch walked over, and let himself in at Allan and Raymi’s place. Their toilet water was cool and refreshing. YUCK!

Butterscotch defended his territory by barking at a stray cat. But she soon became fascinated with her own tail.

After Kellie did some work on her laptop – polishing her resume, applying for jobs, browsing good interview tips, she took Butterscotch for a jog around the neighborhood.

Kellie wanted to take a photo so I figured this was a good time to snap a pic of her new pup to send to her folks and post to her Simstagram. Aww… Butterscotch looks adorable.

It’s time to personalize the place. I hung a photo of Kellie and of her new dog on the wall in her living space. I love the yellow frames. So sunny and happy. Just like Kellie and Butterscotch.

Arguments, Drama, and Gossip (TND)

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Ross woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Kellie slept in so I decided to check in with the neighbors.

“This mattress sucks!” he complained.

“It’s not so bad,” Brenna said. “Maybe we can go shopping for a new bed after I get my promotion.”

“Yeah, when’s that gonna be?” Ross grumbled.

“It should be any day now,” Brenna said as she made the bed, oblivious to Ross’ angst. “And then we can start talking about babies. I want a boy and a girl, I think. Not at the same time, of course. But don’t you think a boy and girl would be cute? We’d make beautiful babies.”

“You said that last month,” Ross sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I’m beginning to think your boss just doesn’t appreciate you,” he kicked the edge of the nightstand (because Sim logic – feet can go through solid objects). “GAH! And our house is too small.”

Brenna came over to sit next to her husband. “We loved this little place when we moved in. Our little love nest, remember?” She closed her eyes. “Remember the smell of the delphiniums? That clean, almost like fresh-laundry scent. It was the selling factor for me.”

“The flowers?” Ross wrinkled his nose.

“Yes,” she smiled. “And delphiniums symbolize new life, which we said we were going to have when we moved here. A fresh start. And a good place to think about making our own little life together.”

“Not so much anymore,” Ross laughed awkwardly. “The shower is constantly breaking. We have no storage. And if I have to unclog the toilet one more time, I’m gonna scream.” (These things actually happened in their home throughout the week).

“It’s only temporary. We’re just saving money until we can move to a bigger place and start our family,” Brenna reminded. “Our baby’s gonna need his or her own room, I know that. But right now, it’s okay, and the landlord did say we could add on a room at the back. I know it’s cramped, but we’ve managed.”

“Yeah, maybe I want to move sooner,” Ross admitted. “Who says we have to wait? My friend, Wade, from the Space Research Institute just moved into a mid-sized pad on the other side of town. He says the homes are reasonably priced, not luxury. It would be cool to live close to him.”

“But our friend, Kellie just moved here too,” Brenna remarked.

Ross ignored her statement. “I say we get a bigger house so we don’t trip over our own feet and strangle each other before you shove a kid outta you.”

“Uh… when you put it that way, it sounds so…” Brenna is not amused by Ross’ attitude. “…crass.”

Ross laughed. “Honey, I’m just… frustrated. And I’m not ready for you to lose that perfect figure of yours.”

“A baby isn’t going to completely wreck me. Women can bounce back from pregnancy,” Brenna protested. “It’ll take some time, but I think bringing a child into the world is worth it.”

“All this baby talk is making me hungry. I’ll whip up some pancakes for us,” Ross expertly changed the subject while Brenna huffed and walked into the bathroom.

“You don’t listen to me,” she yelled through the door.

“So waffles?” Ross tilted his head.

(She keeps rolling try for baby wants. I feel bad for the girl, especially after I saw this…)

Who in the world is Wade? I checked his relationship panel and he doesn’t know anyone named Wade. I thought these two were happy, but… maybe there’s trouble brewing in paradise. Maybe Ross hasn’t been honest about his preferences… and he’s struggling with who he is. I wonder if Wade is a random Sim near the lot OR if he’s a coworker? Either way, Ross is interested in flirting with a man while married to a woman.

Brenna felt sad as she left for work. I changed up her outfit. She is the head dishwasher at her work. I did too in college, and I definitely didn’t wear a long sleeved white button down, dress slacks, and heels. When she gets her promotion, I’ll change her outfit, but for now, this is much more fitting. My favorite part of working in the dishroom was wearing shorts and listening to great music. Also Brenna put her long hair up into a bun because wearing your hair down while working in a hot dishroom is not pleasant.

Ross still made pancakes for himself. He was having a hard time. He switched from sad to angry to fine. Maybe he is struggling with emotional dysregulation too.

Pancakes put him in a better mood. Then he changed to his work uniform to work from home. He spent time in the community garden.

Kellie slept in. When she did wake up, Kellie checked the online dating profiles (which did absolutely nothing, much to my disappointment) – what’s the point of this feature in game then, EA team? Then she did a paid Simazon review (KiaraSims Computer Side Gigs mod).

After spending most of the morning watching videos and playing My Sims Forever, Kellie wanted to explore. I sent her to Blue Skies Coffee House (made by silrosse in Jenba’s Maristella save file). It’s a beautiful lot. I’m kicking myself that I didn’t get better shots from outside. Kellie introduced herself to someone new – her name is Chela and she owns a B&B in Maristella. So cool! I gave her a bit of a makeover – custom hair, skin detail, eyelashes – my go-to items. I may have changed a few of her outfits. I can’t remember.

What is up with perpetually bored Sims? Also, Sims who find Kellie annoying. This makes me so sad. I get that IRL some people can’t handle super cheery people, but I think Kellie is just being friendly and kind. She told an outrageous story. Maybe some of it was that. Then she proposed a bold new idea. What if Chela served fresh fruits and veggies from the Rockview Village’s community garden? Chela was less than impressed. Maybe get to know her a little better before you ask for a favor like that, Kellie.

Kellie headed inside. I love this entryway! The colors. The posters. The wood door contrast. Some of my favorite shades right there.

I had to reset and delete a few Sims first. I know. Sounds extreme… but they were wearing broken CC and had that freaky red and white patchwork skin. I kept trying to reset them, pick another outfit, and editing career outfits in CAS. Nothing worked. So here is my 4th barista on duty – J Huntington the III. I gave him a little makeover too. Kellie ordered a chocolate creme donut and a cappuccino. Again love the decor in here… the attention to detail, and the color scheme in general. There’s Naomi Sundell from the pool earlier in the week.

Kellie sat down and introduced herself to this woman. Her name is Aubree Ortega and she is a writer/critic for the local newspaper, the Stellar Times. Isn’t that wall amazing and so creative!?! I love the “skies” feel – starry nights, cloudy days.

Kellie was so happy eating her donut. She’s so precious. I love this under the stairs look too. I know I keep saying it, but Jenba/silrosse creates such gorgeous lots.

Naomi came over to say hi. They invited Kellie to come over for a backyard barbecue with some neighbors as a get-to-know you event. How nice!

Apparently, this gentleman is Wade. He is in the astronaut career. Ah. That’s how he knows Ross. (Prior to Ross being well… Ross… he was Elliott and also worked in the astronaut career. Since the name Elliott exists in another story of mine and I didn’t want a duplicate name, I changed his name to Ross and changed his career). Kellie introduced herself. Of course, she doesn’t know what’s going on. He seemed genuinely polite, but didn’t say too much. Since he is the Sim that Wade was thinking about, I decided to change Wade’s orientation to add some drama to the story.

“Who else have you met in town?” Chela asked, showing a sudden interest in conversing with Kellie, unlike before.

Kellie told Chela where she was living, and mentioned the Marshes, Raymi, Allan, Sabrena, and that she had met Johnny, a standup comedian the other day.

“Oh that Allan… his parents refuse to visit him because he didn’t become a banker. Oh and that Johnny… he got engaged to some trailer chica and he was disowned by his super loaded parents. Then she ran off with some mal hombre she hooked up with in a cantina and is expecting a bambino. Positively scandalous!”

“Uh…” Kellie didn’t know what to say, and trailed off awkwardly.

Kellie – you have a laptop. Why do you need to use the computers? I still love this little computer cafe area though. A fun and creative addition. She researched animals on the internet, and I imagine, she was looking up pet adoption options.

Then she returned downstairs for a listen to some relaxing jazz and finally drank the cappuccino she ordered almost an hour ago.

Just before leaving the coffeehouse, Sabrena showed up after her work shift at City Hall.

“The powersuit looks fantastic on you,” Kellie complimented her appearance.

“Why thank you,” Sabrena said. “Looks like we are both wearing yellow today.”

Fishing, Flirting, and Food (TND)

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Kellie starts her day on her laptop. She decided to watch a funny video. Sometimes I get sucked down that rabbit hole first thing in the morning too. Cat videos catch my eye. She seems to be watching a romance vid. Fitting since she is constantly flirty. Haha.

Then she completed a survey via KiaraSims’ computer side gigs mod. I added it because I don’t have Island Living installed and we don’t have odd jobs. I’m still debating about what job path to take with Kellie. I didn’t want to jump right into a career, but she does need to make money. 

I mentioned she gained her love of reading from her dad. After selecting ‘read aomething,’ Kellie picked the book Reel Her In. After reading the description, it’s about a chauvinist fisherman who is looking to “reel in” the right fish and women with just the right bait. Okaaaaay…. is my initial reaction. Not my cup of tea. But this is what Kellie picked so I will let her. Maybe she’s interested in fishing. I like the idea of Kellie going fishing with her grandparent when she was a kid.

Kellie puts on her overalls and boots and heads down to the river to do a little fishing. She looks so happy. And this is one of the first times I’ve seen her with the happy moodlet (rather than flirty). Also, where was she hiding that fishing pole so well? Haha. And I never noticed how the Sims leave footprints in the sand. I love this detail!

Here’s Johnny. Jenba/silrosse already gave him a makeover and then I added a skin detail, custom hair, lashes, and changed a few of his outfits. This one is left in tact, with the exception of little gold earrings. I was playing around with earrings in CAS, removed them from all his outfits, except this one and started playing. Oh well. I like it. He was over getting a drink at the summer food stand.

Kellie walked up to introduce herself. I can’t tell if people find her annoying because of her cheerful trait or because of her flirty trait. Either way, it’s annoying to me because I don’t remember these traits really being an issue before. Maybe it’s the sentiments thing or a mod I removed to help with this kind of thing.

Regardless of sentiments, they spent the afternoon together. Johnny is a comedian and wants to be a joke star. They told funny stories, joked about careers and family drama. I assume Johnny is still estranged from the other Landgraabs. Kellie complimented his appearance. I’m not sure I like the front of his shirt, but the back emblem is cool. I think this is from Bowling stuff. Maybe he’s in a bowling league. Ah… that would be a cute date. Kellie is throwing out all sorts of romantic interactions. Johnny is neutral about most of them.

They engaged in a broken water balloon fight. She wouldn’t face him and he was the only one throwing water balloons. What the plumbob? I don’t know anymore in this game. It’s annoying when the sims don’t face each other. She was not having a good time.

Hunger took over and she stopped to order a strawberry parfait from the vendor.

Why do my Sims insist on eating on the ground? Especially right in front of the vendor stall. Johnny seems confused too.

I relocated her to a picnic table. That parfait looks yummy. Now I want yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, and granola. Is that fresh mint on top? Mmm…

Kellie scooted over to allow Johnny to join her. He told a dramatic story and a few jokes. I’m not sure she was all that impressed.

When Kellie complained about the hot weather and told a joke about ducks, Johnny seemed bored. If you guys don’t like each other’s company, why are you hanging out?

Oh wait! The gross joke seemed to work. Huh? Kellie was starting to smell. Probably from spending the morning with the fishes. Maybe Johnny’s into that sort of thing. Her pheromones are driving him crazy and he scoots closer to her and stares dreamily into her eyes. She is enjoying the locked gaze. They are awfully close for two Sims that didn’t seem to be enjoying each other until now, and barely know each other. *throws hands in air* Sim LOGIC! Who’s eyes are prettier guys? 😛

When Kellie arrives back home, Brenna and Raymi are getting home from work. I’ll have to look up what jobs they have again. I know I changed Ross’s job to the manual labor part-time career. I imagine his job is to manage the grounds at Rockview Village. He also seems to be the resident handyman, fixing the sink on the courtyard and dealing with outside trash.

I think Brenna is in the cooking career path – maybe as a host. She looks like she is dressed like a host or waitress. I can’t remember what Raymi does. Kellie shares about her day with the ladies. Brenna is bored (maybe she’s just tired from her long shift) and Raymi is fine – indifferent. She asks about fishing spots before heading back to her house.

I bought Kellie a portable fishing cooler for the two guppies she caught. Nothing to write home about, but she did enjoy her late morning excursion. This is a mod by Brazenlotus. I think it adds some fun immersion. I love the little fish stickers. I feel like Kellie would have added them herself.

Time for a community dinner. Raymi cooked a party size of macaroni and cheese. Also sounds delicious. All the neighbors gathered in their hot weather wear in the courtyard. Kellie had showered at this point. She looks pretty in her vibrant yellow top. Sabrena told an outrageous story, which only seemed to mildly interest Raymi. These neighbors… haha.

Ross shares about his career and asks about Kellie’s day. He is also the one to discuss neighborhood changes. I guess because he’s the groundskeeper/handyman this makes sense. Brenna, Raymi, and Sabrena downed their meals, but Ross, Allan, and Kellie took much longer. Mostly because they were talking.

Kellie talked about local fishing spots again. This girl is obsessed. She changes the subject though and tells a dramatic story. Brenna seemed disinterested and disengaged. Poor girl was feeling irritable due to PMS. Raymi and Ross listened to Kellie, and Sabrena shared advice of some kind with Allan. Ross was totally into the story though. He’s also one of Kellie’s oldest friends since she grew up with him.

Brenna excused herself early to clean up dishes. Raymi and Sabrena started a lively debate. Kellie enjoyed chatting with Allan about his curating work. Brenna and Ross disappeared for some “quality couple time.” Both had rolled woohoo whims and I decided to break my “non-engagement” rule and sent them to bed together. (I only directed the first interaction – but they enjoyed 3 rounds!!).

Allan went to take out the trash. Sabrena left to grab a book. Raymi put the food away in her refrigerator. Since no one was watching, Kellie decided to strut her stuff to some summery music.

“Care if I join you?” Allan asks, reappearing on the courtyard.

“Oh! Sure!” Kellie blushes, caught in mid-act. “I just really like this song.”

“Me too,” Allan gives a cheeky half-grin.

Allan is nursing a crush on Kellie, one she doesn’t return… yet. But she does find him to be an interesting person. They talk about music and enthuse about dancing while they sway to the music.

Kellie is really feeling this song. Raymi comes and joins them. She looks much cooler than both Kellie and Allan, but she doesn’t make fun of their exaggerated moves.

Sabrena must have forgotten something because she comes back. However, she’s too shy to join the others inside the courtyard. But that doesn’t stop her from dancing too.

Kellie is feeling a bit cold, despite her energetic dancing on the courtyard up until midnight. She picks out her warmer pajamas and heads to bed. Today she rolled a want to adopt a dog. I’m looking forward to exploring pet ownership in the next session. I still haven’t fully decided on work for Kellie, or the direction of this (super) lazy storytelling. It’s a bit of aimless wandering, but I hope you don’t mind.

Burglars and Glitches (TND)

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This post totally glitched on me. I’m reposting.

Don Lothario has turned to a life of crime?!??  Wow… did not expect that. Haha. I have Carl’s Gameplay Overhaul installed and it brings back burglars from previous games.

Raymi is awake on the courtyard. And she is having none of this. She goes over and introduces herself rudely. She tries to fight Don.

Unfortunately for Raymi, she loses the fight and ends up collapsed on the ground. Don knocked her out and then stole the strawberry planter. Okaaaaaay…. Don. Whaddaya need that for?

Kellie is concerned about all the commotion. She throws on a robe and cat slippers and rushes outside to check on Raymi.

Raymi is just waking up from her unexpected slumber.

“He got away!” Raymi moaned.

“Oh no! We should call the police and report it,” Kellie suggested. “I’m sorry. I should introduce myself first. I’m Kellie. Your new neighbor.”

“Did I ask for your help?” Raymi scoffed.

“Oh you must be some kind of superhero then?” Kellie quipped.

For some reason, Raymi was super offended. She did the annoying thing of having a conversation without facing the other Sim. Also, she felt the need to lie about her career. Maybe she was embarrassed to be beaten up by Don.

“Yeah, I’m a detective so I’ll figure it out, mmkay?” Raymi replied, with an attitude.

“Oh… I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Kellie stammered.

Kellie heads back to her place and enjoys a cold slice for breakfast.

Then she joined Brenna on the lawn for some morning yoga.

“Sounds like I missed all the excitement,” Brenna smirked.

“Yeah, I dunno… shouldn’t we file a police report? Raymi said she was a detective…” Kellie trailed off.

“Raymi doesn’t work for the cops,” Brenna puzzled.

“Huh… I wonder why she lied,” Kellie said.

“Who steals a strawberry pot?” Kellie asked.

“Hmm… maybe someone who is berry bad,” Brenna playfully pouted.

The two girls devolved into a fit of giggles. Kellie nearly lost her balance.

“Stop it,” she huffed. “I can’t concentrate.”

“You can’t concentrate?” Brenna collapsed against her yoga mat. “Oh I needed a good laugh.”

“Owwww…” Kellie grumbled, holding her stomach. “Now I have cramps.”

“Yoga should help PMS,” Brenna replied.

Kellie decided to head home and relax on her bed. Good call, girl. With cramps… stretch out.

For most of the afternoon, she tended the community garden. I love this little area – what am I saying? I love all the areas on this lot. Haha. But this spot with the string lights and ivy trellis feels cozy.

I forgot this is a feature of Parenthood. Kellie doesn’t have a job yet. Since she isn’t sure what to do, she thought she might try volunteering. It would be a good use of her time. It’s almost dinnertime so I sent Kellie to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It’s a rabbithole naturally. I wanted a little more in-depth gameplay.

I spent an hour trying to set up a fancy soup kitchen lot in San Myshuno and then it glitched badly. Also the wait staff glitched badly. I have some bad cc installed so I’ll have to remove it. It was a wasted real-life afternoon and I didn’t take too many screenshots, so I’ll skip to the next morning.

Awkward Times with New Friends (TND)

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Hey y’all. Isn’t this the cheekiest cover ever? Haha. She rolled a whim to take a selfie and then did this pose in the last game session. I loved it so much that I made it the story cover. I’m calling this… The Noble Diaries: Adventures with Kellie. It’s a casual gameplay story with a stream-of-consciousness commentary. I imagine you as a friend along for the ride with Kellie’s slice-of-life tale. I probably shouldn’t have used the word ‘lackadaisical’ last time to describe this. Sure, it’s a bit of lazy storytelling, but I don’t lack enthusiasm for her tale. Haha.

We pick back up with Kellie the next morning. It’s a bit dim in here so I might have to edit the lighting in her home. Even so I love the minty aesthetic of her house – called the Llama by Jenba in the Maristella Plus save file. This has got to be one of my favorite Oasis Springs makeovers. And I love the color scheme. I cannot gush about this save file and world enough. Haha. Kellie lives in the Rockview Village, a tiny home community. Mind you.  This is before we had Tiny Living with actual tiny home traits. Again, so creative.

I have not had a chance to do grocery shopping. Kellie decides to make herself some fruit salad. Fresh juicy apples sound good right now. Oh and her trash is overflowing, another incredible detail by Jenba. The lot comes with it. Makes the place feel lived in. Poor Kellie though. She slices her finger shortly after she starts chopping apples. Ouch! Not a good start to the morning.

This table setup reminds me of a camp cabin. I love all the wood colors, and the Citronella candle. It’s a sticky hot summer so far. This candle is lit in case those pesky mosquitos make it through the screen door. When I was a kid, my siblings and I made up a song about mosquitos called ‘Flying M’s.’ 

I actually don’t think Kellie is an only child. I imagine she has at least one sister. She smirks and hums the song to herself while enjoying her breakfast salad of honeycrisp apples, sliced almonds, pomegranates, dried cranberries, blueberries, and honey. Oh yeah! My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Time to get dressed and take out that stinky trash. I just love the bright blue exterior of this home. And I always decorate with those hanging glass terrariums so I love that Jenba used them. And all those lush greens. Oof! This lot is chef’s kiss.

Kellie loves llamas, which explains why she decorates with them. I think she has since she was a kiddo. I should find a stuffed llama animal cc if there is one. I think it would be a cute addition. Like how I always used Geoffrey, the giraffe stuffie in my Sims 3 games. Shout-out if you remember it! I’ve heard in reality that llamas are mean and I believe it. I think my sister tried to jump on the back of one as a kid and got thrown off. But this is the Sims and we can suspend disbelief and admire them from a distance. It would be super fun to get a llama as a pet since that’s a real thing now with Cottage Living, but I don’t have it installed.

I like to think that Kellie is interested in “green” living. Like she was an environmental science major in college. Llamas, in my headcanon, are an endangered species in the Sim world. Given it took until TS4 Cottage Living for them to physically show up in game, even though there are plenty of references to them. Maybe she worked on a ‘save the llamas’ campaign as an intern one time. P.S. I don’t personally like the ripped jeans look in real life. But I think Kellie rocks the look.

There’s this great little patio area in the center of the community. I’ll get better screenshots of it. Someone broke the communal sink. So Kellie, with zero handiness skill, decides to pull out this massive wrench and try and fix it.  I think her parents taught her to be self-sufficient despite growing up in an upper middle class family. They didn’t have a maid or a butler or even a gardener. Her dad liked to mow the lawn on Saturdays, maybe even tinker in the garage, and her mom was the Fix-It Queen. Maybe she grew in confidence with repairs while her husband was away fighting a war… with aliens (this is the Sims). Real Rosie the Riveter vibes. Shout-out if you know who I mean.

At this point, “Auntie Flo” came to visit, again, courtesy of Wonderful Whims. Kellie popped off to the local pharmacy (a.k.a. the Wonderful Store) for some feminine products (and other groceries). Then she felt compelled to come home and brush her teeth after using a pad and a tampon. Guess her flow is extra heavy today AND she wants to feel minty fresh. You do you, girl!

Kellie went back outside to clean up her mess of parts, the pile she left behind. I’m convinced she’s a closeted neat Sim. This guy, another neighbor of hers, was hanging out and admiring her handiwork. I gave him a bit of a makeover also. His name is Allan Chen, and boy is he a cutie! I love the floppy cc hair I found. He originally had sort-of floppy hair too.

Kellie decided to introduce herself in a flirty manner. I’m beginning to think this is her default mood. Is the romantic trait really this strong? I don’t remember that in average gameplay. Unless I’m missing something from another mod I have installed. They decided to have a conversation in the most awkward location right next to a post from the pergola. So excuse the odd angles.

He totally accepted the flirt. His sentiment is crushing on her already. And she finds him interesting. Okay, girl. Okay. I wasn’t planning on a romance right away, but these two are pretty adorable.

She cracked a gross joke. I’m thinking something about period blood because she’s on hers and feeling a bit snarky today. He was awkward and embarrassed.

To make up for it, Kellie decides to order a pizza. Pepperoni is a great way to break the ice. According to his moodlets, he is having a bad day. Maybe he is frustrated at work right now. Kellie wanted to help him feel better (and she rolled a moodlet for pizza).

They literally just met. Cool your jets, girl. She’s feeling amorous. I have them sit on opposite couches to chat. I absolutely love this new mod I found by Amellce called Steady Sit. Since I perpetually despise the fact that the Sims NEVER stay seated, this mod fixes that. I tested it out last night in gameplay with Kellie and Brenna at the community pool.

See what I mean about this awesome outdoor shared space? Jenba has such a great eye for detail. I know I keep gushing about it, but it’s true. I would love to just sit for a spell and chat with someone here. It feels so comfy. Also that outdoor brick oven is giving me Monte Vista pizza oven vibes. Maybe Kellie would learn how to do homemade pizzas sometime. Opps that’s Home Chef Hustle. Haha. Another pack I don’t have installed currently.

Kellie learns that he is a graduate student of history (I don’t have Discover Uni installed, but we will pretend, okay?). That’s part of his backstory that Jenba gave him anyhow. He hopes to travel, but he hasn’t really gone anywhere yet. He is fascinated (and maybe a little jealous) that Kellie has been to Selvadorada. The homeland of llamas. Of course, home girl has been there. Haha. On a family vacation.

Pizza arrived. The delivery lady was so chipper. Cost twenty-seven simoleons, courtesy of LMS’ Zoomers food delivery mod. Also another great angle of her home. See that little llama tucked in the plants?

Kellie invited Allan inside for a casual meal. I wanted them to eat outside in the courtyard but she came in here. It’s probably too hot to eat outside anyway. 

These two are feeling a “Deep Connection.” Kellie learned that Allan is a genius. I’m not quite sure how you would know this IRL. Maybe because he’s a grad student. Also he works at an office building as an assistant so he can pay his way through university. She is impressed with his hard work ethic and his pursuit of an advanced degree.

Kellie tells an engaging story about her own uni days, which weren’t that long ago given it is summer. I imagine she graduated last spring. And she shares photos from graduation day and her family trip to Selvadorada. She was a fan of those Flirty Falls. 😉 She also enthused about the meal, particularly the food flavors. It’s always great to move someplace and find a good pizza joint right away. There’s something universally comforting about a hot slice.

Allan had an “errant thought” (a mod by adeepindigo) about entering a serious relationship. Somehow the conversation segues into dating and romance. I figure he’s a bit awkward, and doesn’t have much dating experience, but he’s genuinely curious about Kellie since she’s so bubbly and perky.

“Uh…” Kellie rubbed her forehead. “Don’t laugh, but I’ve never had a serious boyfriend.”

“Really? I find that hard to believe,” Allan remarked. “You seem like a fun girl.”

“Uh thanks,” Kellie chuckled, awkwardly. “And what about you? Grad student. History aficionado. You seem like a sophisticated guy. I bet lots of people are dying to go out with you.”

“Hmm… not really, or I guess I’ve never really given dating much of a try,” Allan said.

“I’m sure lots of guys would want to date someone as hot as you!” Allan declared.

“Or gals,” Kellie added. “I could swing both ways, you know.”

Her comment throws Allan off his game. 

“So who are you trying to attract?”

Dude! You gotta work on your tact. Heh! (This question about relationship preferences is from a mod called Curious Inquiries by lumpinou.) Kellie was pretty uncomfortable, but she handled the conversation gracefully.

“Dude. I just met you,” she put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “But to answer your question… I’m still exploring who I am and what I like.”

“Sorry…” he muttered. “That wasn’t the right thing to say.”

She calmed down, but was suddenly feeling nauseous. From her period. Dang Wonderful Whims! Their conversation has devolved into awkward so maybe it’s time for Allan to leave. She makes up some excuse about feeling tired and needing a nap. He takes the hint, and washes his dish in the bathroom (dangit Sims!). He thanks her for the food before heading back to his place.

After Allan left, I purchased a Prima laptop for Kellie. It’s a mod by ilex since laptops technically don’t exist in game until Strangerville, I think. I also popped into CAS quick and gave Kellie a little bandage on her finger… for realism, since she sliced it this morning when chopping fruit. It’s hard to tell here. I’ll snag a better screenie.

All that talk about romance made her curious so she decided to create an online dating profile. I think this is something in base game Sims, but I could be wrong. I know both lumpinou and lms have mods for this kind of thing, but I don’t have them installed. It was on a whim. Not that I’m eager to have her start dating and settling down.

There we go. You can see her bandage on her fingers. A detail for realism. It’s made by sparky-simish. I won’t always link all the cc I have, but this one was a worthy shout-out. Alright, time for the meta. Kellie plays My Sims Forever. Haha. Since I don’t want to watch my Sims play Sims, I speed through time. Kellie brushes her teeth, uses the restroom, and heads to bed at 11:40pm. A respectable time, which is ironic since it’s about 11:45pm IRL as I write this. Haha.

I forgot when I added Kellie to the lot that there were now 6 Sims and only 4 beds (Brenna and Ross share). Poor gal is sleeping in the courtyard. At least it’s a warm summer night. Her name is Raymi Nayal. According to Jenba’s backstory, she is of Selvadoradan descent. When I edited her though, I decided she was of half-Berberese descent because Nayal is a last name found in the Middle East in our world. My headcanon is she was out partying and didn’t want to disturb her roomie by tripping in so late at night (it’s now 2:30am).

My bad. The Marsh house I mentioned in the last chapter is on the opposite side of the horseshoe court.

This is Allan’s home.

I decided to tweak the interior to make space for a bed for Raymi, and I made them roommates.

I moved his archeology table outside. Perfect little spot under the tree.